Yes, there are Ruby gems designed to help scrape AJAX-powered websites. AJAX-powered websites are those that use Asynchronous JavaScript and XML to update web pages dynamically by exchanging data with a web server behind the scenes. This can make scraping more challenging because the content you want to scrape might not be present in the initial page source and is instead loaded dynamically through JavaScript.
The most commonly used Ruby gems for scraping AJAX-powered websites are:
1. Capybara with a JavaScript-capable driver (like Selenium or Webkit)
Capybara is primarily used for testing web applications by simulating how a user interacts with your app. However, it's also powerful for scraping because it can automate a browser, which is essential for loading and interacting with AJAX-powered websites.
To use Capybara for scraping, you'll need to set it up with a driver that supports JavaScript. Selenium is a popular choice, and you can also use Capybara-webkit or the headless Chrome driver with the selenium-webdriver
Here's an example of setting up Capybara with Selenium and Chrome:
require 'capybara'
require 'selenium-webdriver'
# Set up Capybara to use Selenium with Chrome
Capybara.register_driver :selenium_chrome do |app|, browser: :chrome)
Capybara.default_driver = :selenium_chrome
# Visit the page and interact with it
session = Capybara.current_session
session.visit ''
# Wait for an AJAX-powered element to appear
2. Watir
Watir (Web Application Testing in Ruby) is another web browser automation tool that is great for interacting with AJAX elements. It uses Selenium under the hood but provides a more Ruby-like syntax.
Example of using Watir to scrape an AJAX-powered website:
require 'watir'
# Initialize the browser
browser = :chrome
# Go to the webpage
browser.goto ''
# Wait for an element to be loaded via AJAX
browser.div(class: 'ajax-content').wait_until(&:present?)
# Get the text of the AJAX-loaded content
puts browser.div(class: 'ajax-content').text
# Close the browser
3. Ferrum
Ferrum is a minimal-dependency library for controlling a headless Chrome browser. It allows you to manipulate a website as if you're a user and is useful for scraping content from AJAX-heavy websites.
Example of using Ferrum:
require 'ferrum'
# Create a new browser instance
browser =
# Go to the page
# Interact with the page to trigger AJAX
# Wait for the AJAX call to finish and content to load
browser.at_css('.ajax-content', wait: 5)
# Output the content
puts browser.at_css('.ajax-content').text
# Close the browser
When scraping AJAX-powered websites, keep in mind that you should always respect the site's terms of service and robots.txt file to ensure you're not violating any rules or laws. Additionally, since scraping can be resource-intensive on the website's servers, it's best to scrape responsibly by limiting the frequency of your requests and by using caching where appropriate.