What methods are available in Ruby for HTTP requests when scraping?

In Ruby, there are several methods and libraries available for making HTTP requests, which is a common task in web scraping. Below are some of the most popular methods:

  1. Net::HTTP: This is a built-in Ruby library that allows you to perform HTTP requests.

    require 'net/http'
    require 'uri'
    uri = URI('http://www.example.com/index.html')
    response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
    puts response

    For a more complex example with Net::HTTP, where you need to set headers or use other HTTP methods:

    require 'net/http'
    require 'uri'
    uri = URI('http://www.example.com/index.html')
    http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
    request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri)
    request['User-Agent'] = 'Ruby'
    response = http.request(request)
    puts response.body
  2. Open-URI: This is a simpler wrapper around Net::HTTP, Net::HTTPS, and Net::FTP. It's part of the standard library and can be used to easily fetch the content of a URL.

    require 'open-uri'
    content = open('http://www.example.com/index.html').read
    puts content
  3. HTTParty: This is a gem that provides a nice interface to make HTTP requests. It's very popular in the Ruby community for its simplicity.

    To use HTTParty, first install the gem:

    gem install httparty

    Then, you can use it as follows:

    require 'httparty'
    response = HTTParty.get('http://www.example.com/index.html')
    puts response.body
  4. Faraday: This is a flexible HTTP client library that provides a uniform API over different adapters. You can switch between Net::HTTP, EM-HTTP-Request, Excon, and many others.

    To use Faraday, first install the gem:

    gem install faraday

    Example usage:

    require 'faraday'
    conn = Faraday.new(url: 'http://www.example.com')
    response = conn.get('/index.html')
    puts response.body
  5. Mechanize: This library is particularly useful for web scraping as it simulates a web browser, handling cookies, sessions, and following redirects.

    To use Mechanize, first install the gem:

    gem install mechanize

    Example usage:

    require 'mechanize'
    agent = Mechanize.new
    page = agent.get('http://www.example.com/index.html')
    puts page.body

    Mechanize can also handle forms and links on web pages, making it very powerful for interactive scraping tasks.

When using any of these methods, be sure to respect the terms of service of the website you are scraping, handle your request rate to avoid overloading the server, and manage errors and exceptions that may occur during the request.

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