How do I handle errors when using Scraper (Rust)?

When scraping websites using the scraper crate in Rust, it's important to handle errors gracefully. In Rust, errors are typically categorized as either recoverable (Result) or unrecoverable (panic!). When using scraper, you will mostly deal with recoverable errors that are wrapped in Result types.

Here's a step-by-step guide to handling errors with the scraper crate:

1. Understand the Result Type

Rust uses the Result type for operations that can fail. It is an enum with two variants: Ok(T) for success and carrying a value of type T, and Err(E) for failure and carrying an error value of type E.

enum Result<T, E> {

When you perform an operation that can fail, such as selecting an element from an HTML document or making an HTTP request, the scraper crate methods will return a Result type.

2. Handling Errors with match

One common way to handle Result types is to use a match statement to explicitly handle both Ok and Err cases.

use scraper::{Html, Selector};
use std::error::Error;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let html = r#"<html><body><p>Hello, world!</p></body></html>"#;
    let document = Html::parse_document(html);
    let selector = Selector::parse("p").unwrap(); // Use unwrap here since we know it's a valid selector

    match {
        Some(element) => println!("{}", element.inner_html()),
        None => println!("No matching elements found"),


In this example, if no element matches the selector, it prints a message instead of panicking.

3. Using unwrap and expect

For quick-and-dirty error handling or when you're certain an error will not occur, you can use unwrap() or expect(msg) on a Result. This will either give you the value if it's an Ok or panic with a default or custom message if it's an Err.

let selector = Selector::parse("div.some-class").unwrap(); // Panics if the selector is invalid

Or with a custom panic message:

let selector = Selector::parse("div.some-class").expect("Failed to parse the selector");

4. Error Propagation with ?

In many cases, you would want to propagate errors up to the calling function. In Rust, you can use the ? operator for succinct error propagation.

fn scrape_html(html: &str) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let document = Html::parse_document(html);
    let selector = Selector::parse("p")?;

    let element ="No matching elements found")?;
    println!("{}", element.inner_html());


In this example, if the selector parsing fails, the error will be returned immediately from the function. Also, we use ok_or to convert an Option into a Result for further error handling.

5. Custom Error Types

For larger projects, you may want to define your own error types. This provides more context for errors and makes it easier to handle specific error cases.

use std::fmt;

enum ScraperError {
    // Other error variants

impl fmt::Display for ScraperError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            ScraperError::SelectorParseError => write!(f, "Failed to parse the selector"),
            ScraperError::ElementNotFoundError => write!(f, "No matching elements found"),
            // Handle other error variants

impl Error for ScraperError {}

// Use your custom error type in the function signature
fn scrape_html(html: &str) -> Result<(), ScraperError> {
    let document = Html::parse_document(html);
    let selector = Selector::parse("p").map_err(|_| ScraperError::SelectorParseError)?;

    let element =;
    println!("{}", element.inner_html());


In this example, we created a custom ScraperError type that implements the Error trait. We then use map_err to convert the scraper crate's error type into our own.

By handling errors properly, your web scraping code will be more robust and easier to debug. Remember that good error handling is crucial for production code, especially when dealing with the inherent unpredictability of web scraping.

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