How do I select elements with specific text content using Scraper (Rust)?

Selecting elements with specific text content in Scraper, a web scraping library in Rust, is somewhat similar to using selectors in CSS or XPath. However, Scraper itself does not directly provide a function to select elements by their text content, like XPath's text() function or jQuery's :contains() selector.

Instead, you can select elements that might contain the text and then filter them manually by iterating through and checking the text content. Here's how you can do it in Rust using the Scraper library:

use scraper::{Html, Selector};
use scraper::node::Element;

fn main() {
    // Assuming `html` is a String containing your HTML content
    let html = r#"
                <div>Some content</div>
                <div>Specific text content</div>
                <div>Other content</div>

    // Parse the HTML document
    let document = Html::parse_document(&html);

    // Create a selector for the div elements
    let selector = Selector::parse("div").unwrap();

    // Iterate over elements and filter by text content
    for element in {
        // The `inner_html` method returns a String containing the HTML contents
        let text = element.text().collect::<Vec<_>>().join("");

        // Check if the text contains the desired content
        if text == "Specific text content" {
            // Do something with the element, like printing it out
            println!("Found element with specific text content: {}", text);

In this code snippet:

  1. We parse the HTML document using Html::parse_document.
  2. We then create a Selector instance for the <div> elements.
  3. We iterate over all the <div> elements that match the selector.
  4. We use the element.text() iterator to get the text content of each element and check if it matches the specific text content we're looking for.
  5. If we find a match, we perform an action, such as printing out the found text.

Remember to include the Scraper crate in your Cargo.toml file:

scraper = "0.12.0" # Use the latest version of the scraper crate

Please note that this is a simple text match. If you need to do case-insensitive searching or use a more complex pattern, you might use regex provided by the regex crate or apply other string manipulation techniques.

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