Can Selenium WebDriver work with languages other than Java?

Yes, Selenium WebDriver can work with multiple programming languages other than Java. Selenium WebDriver is part of the Selenium suite, which is a collection of tools for automating web browsers. WebDriver provides an interface for controlling browsers and is designed to be language-neutral. It has bindings for several programming languages, allowing you to write your test scripts in the language that best fits your skills or project requirements.

The most commonly supported languages by Selenium WebDriver include:

  1. Python - Selenium has a Python package called selenium that can be installed using pip.
   pip install selenium

Here's a simple Python example using Selenium WebDriver to open a webpage:

   from selenium import webdriver

   driver = webdriver.Chrome()  # or webdriver.Firefox(), webdriver.Edge(), etc.
   # ... perform interactions and assertions ...
  1. JavaScript (Node.js) - Selenium WebDriver can be used with Node.js through the selenium-webdriver package.
   npm install selenium-webdriver

A simple JavaScript example using Selenium WebDriver to open a webpage:

   const {Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver');

   async function example() {
       let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
       try {
           await driver.get('');
           // ... perform interactions and assertions ...
       } finally {
           await driver.quit();

  1. C# (.NET) - Selenium WebDriver can be used in C# by adding the Selenium.WebDriver NuGet package to your project.

A C# example using Selenium WebDriver to open a webpage:

   using OpenQA.Selenium;
   using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
           // ... perform interactions and assertions ...
  1. Ruby - Selenium WebDriver can be used with Ruby by installing the selenium-webdriver gem.
   gem install selenium-webdriver

A Ruby example using Selenium WebDriver to open a webpage:

   require 'selenium-webdriver'

   driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
   driver.get ""
   # ... perform interactions and assertions ...
  1. Perl, PHP, and other languages - While official support may vary, there are community-driven bindings available for languages such as Perl and PHP that allow you to use Selenium WebDriver. These may not be as well-maintained or feature-rich as the bindings for the primary languages mentioned above.

Selenium WebDriver uses a JSON Wire Protocol, or its successor the W3C WebDriver Protocol, to communicate with browser drivers (like ChromeDriver for Chrome, GeckoDriver for Firefox, etc.), which in turn control the actual browser. This design allows for language agnosticism, meaning you can use WebDriver with any language that can send HTTP requests and handle JSON.

When choosing a language for Selenium WebDriver, consider factors such as the existing codebase, team expertise, and the ecosystem of testing tools in that language.

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