Is it possible to handle pop-ups and alerts using Selenium WebDriver?

Yes, Selenium WebDriver can handle pop-ups and alerts. These user prompts are common in web applications, and Selenium provides a way to interact with them.

Handling JavaScript Alerts, Confirmations, and Prompts

JavaScript has three types of popup boxes: alert, confirmation, and prompt boxes. Selenium WebDriver can handle these using the Alert interface. Here are the methods provided by the Alert interface:

  • accept(): Clicks the "Ok" button in alerts or confirmation prompts.
  • dismiss(): Clicks the "Cancel" button in confirmation prompts.
  • getText(): Retrieves the text of the alert, confirmation, or prompt.
  • sendKeys(String stringToSend): Sends text to a prompt.

Python Example

from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.alert import Alert
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC

# Assuming you have already initialized the WebDriver `driver`

# Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variable
alert = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.alert_is_present())

# Store the alert text in a variable
alert_text = alert.text

# Press the 'Ok' button

# If it's a confirmation box, you could also dismiss it
# alert.dismiss()

# If it's a prompt, you could send keystrokes to it
# alert.send_keys("Sample text")

JavaScript Example

In JavaScript, Selenium WebDriver bindings are provided by the selenium-webdriver package. Here's how you could handle an alert in JavaScript:

const {Builder, By, until, Alert} = require('selenium-webdriver');

(async function example() {
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('firefox').build();
    try {
        await driver.get('');

        // Wait for the alert to be displayed
        await driver.wait(until.alertIsPresent());

        // Store it in a variable
        let alert = await driver.switchTo().alert();

        // Store the alert text in a variable
        let alertText = await alert.getText();

        // Press the 'Ok' button
        await alert.accept();

        // If it's a confirmation box, you could also dismiss it
        // await alert.dismiss();

        // If it's a prompt, you could send keystrokes to it
        // await alert.sendKeys('Sample text');
    } finally {
        await driver.quit();

Handling Window-based Pop-ups

If the pop-up is a new window or tab, you can handle it by switching to that window using the switchTo().window() method and then interacting with the elements within it.

Python Example

# Get the current window handle
main_window_handle = driver.current_window_handle

# Click the link that opens a new window
driver.find_element(By.ID, "popup_link").click()

# Wait for the new window or tab
WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.number_of_windows_to_be(2))

# Loop through until we find a new window handle
for handle in driver.window_handles:
    if handle != main_window_handle:

# Now you can interact with the pop-up
# ...

# Close the pop-up if you need to

# Switch back to the main window

JavaScript Example

// Get the current window handle
let mainWindowHandle = await driver.getWindowHandle();

// Click the link that opens a new window
await driver.findElement('popup_link')).click();

// Wait for the new window or tab
await driver.wait(async () => (await driver.getAllWindowHandles()).length === 2, 10000);

// Loop through until we find a new window handle
let allWindowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
for(let handle of allWindowHandles) {
    if(handle !== mainWindowHandle) {
        await driver.switchTo().window(handle);

// Now you can interact with the pop-up
// ...

// Close the pop-up if you need to
await driver.close();

// Switch back to the main window
await driver.switchTo().window(mainWindowHandle);

Remember to add proper exception handling and to test these scripts thoroughly, as pop-up behavior may vary based on browser settings and the specific implementation of the pop-up in the web application.

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