Can I use Selenium to fill out and submit forms on a website?

Yes, Selenium can definitely be used to fill out and submit forms on a website. Selenium is a powerful tool for controlling a web browser through the program. It's functional for all browsers, works on all major OS and its scripts are written in various languages i.e. Python, Java, C#, etc.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can use Selenium for filling out forms:


  • Installation

You need to first install Selenium. You can do this in Python using pip:

pip install selenium
  • Import WebDriver

Next, import the Selenium WebDriver to access its functions:

from selenium import webdriver
  • Choose Browser

Choose the browser that you want to run the tests in:

driver = webdriver.Firefox()
  • Access the Form

Navigate to the url that holds the form using the get function:

  • Identify the Form Inputs

Identify the elements in the form using their names or ids:

username = driver.find_element_by_name('username')
password = driver.find_element_by_name('password')
  • Fill and Submit the Form

Fill in the form using the send_keys function and submit it using the submit function:



  • Installation

You need to first install Selenium. You can do this in Node.js using npm:

npm install selenium-webdriver
  • Import WebDriver

Next, import the Selenium WebDriver to access its functions:

const {Builder, By, Key, until} = require('selenium-webdriver');
  • Choose Browser

Choose the browser that you want to run the tests in:

let driver = new Builder().forBrowser('firefox').build();
  • Access the Form

Navigate to the url that holds the form using the get function:

await driver.get('');
  • Identify the Form Inputs

Identify the elements in the form using their names or ids:

let username = await driver.findElement('username'));
let password = await driver.findElement('password'));
  • Fill and Submit the Form

Fill in the form using the sendKeys function and submit it using the submit function:

await username.sendKeys('myusername');
await password.sendKeys('mypassword');
await password.submit();

Remember to always close the browser after finishing:

await driver.quit();

If the form is built with JavaScript and not just simple HTML, you might need to use waits or timeouts to give the form inputs time to become available before you try to interact with them.

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