Can Selenium scrape data from websites with infinite scrolling?

Yes, Selenium can indeed be used to scrape data from websites with infinite scrolling. Infinite scrolling is a web-design technique that loads content continuously as the user scrolls down the page, eliminating the need for pagination. Websites use AJAX to load the content, and with Selenium, you can easily emulate this scrolling behavior to scrape data.

Here's how you can do it in Python:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import time

def scroll_to_end(driver):
    html = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('html')

driver = webdriver.Firefox()
driver.get("website_url") # Replace with your target URL

while True:
    # Add your scraping logic here.

In this python code, we're making use of Selenium's WebDriver and the Keys class to simulate an "End" key press, which will scroll to the end of the page.

Here's how you can do it in JavaScript with Node.js and WebDriverJS:

const {Builder, By, Key, until} = require('selenium-webdriver');

let driver = new Builder().forBrowser('firefox').build();
driver.get('website_url'); // Replace with your target URL

let scrollToEnd = async function() {
    await driver.executeScript(`window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)`);
    await driver.sleep(3000);

(async function infiniteScroll() {
    while (true) {
        await scrollToEnd();
        // Add your scraping logic here.

In this JavaScript code, we're using WebDriverJS (the JavaScript binding for Selenium WebDriver) to simulate JavaScript execution, which scrolls to the end of the page.

Note that the sleep or wait time is necessary to allow the content to load once the page is scrolled. Also, be aware of the legal and ethical considerations when scraping a website, and always respect the site's robots.txt file and terms of service.

Remember that this will cause an infinite loop of scrolling. You will need to add a condition to break the loop once you've reached the end or obtained the data you need. The specifics of this will depend on the website's structure and the data you're looking to scrape.

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