Can I find elements by class name with Simple HTML DOM?

Yes, you can find elements by class name using the Simple HTML DOM parser in PHP. Simple HTML DOM is a PHP library that provides an easy way to manipulate HTML elements. It allows you to perform various operations on HTML documents, such as finding elements by tag name, id, class, and attributes.

Here's an example of how to find elements by class name using Simple HTML DOM:

// Include the Simple HTML DOM library

// Load the HTML from a string, which could also be loaded from a file or URL
$html = str_get_html('<div class="my-class">Content of my div</div>');

// Find elements by class name
$elements = $html->find('.my-class');

// Iterate over the found elements and print their inner text
foreach ($elements as $element) {
    echo $element->plaintext . "<br />\n";

In the above code, find is the method used to search for elements with the specified class name. The dot . before my-class indicates that it's a class name we're looking for (similar to CSS selectors). The plaintext property gives you the text content of the found element without any HTML tags.

To use Simple HTML DOM, you typically need to include the library in your project. Make sure you have downloaded the simple_html_dom.php script and included it correctly in your project.

Please note, Simple HTML DOM has not been actively maintained for several years and may not be the best choice for parsing HTML in new projects. It may also struggle with parsing malformed HTML or modern web pages that heavily rely on JavaScript. Alternative libraries, such as PHP's built-in DOMDocument or symfony/dom-crawler, might be more suitable for robust HTML parsing needs.

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