What is SwiftSoup and how is it used in web scraping?

SwiftSoup is a Swift library that provides a set of APIs for parsing HTML and manipulating the DOM (Document Object Model) in a manner similar to the popular JavaScript library, jQuery. It's essentially a Swift port of Jsoup, a Java HTML parser library. SwiftSoup allows iOS and macOS developers to interact with HTML elements, attributes, and text, making it suitable for web scraping tasks on Swift-based platforms.

SwiftSoup can be used to:

  • Parse HTML from a string, a file, or a URL.
  • Select and manipulate elements using CSS selectors.
  • Extract attributes, text, and HTML from elements.
  • Clean user-submitted content against a safe list (to prevent XSS attacks).

Here's a basic overview of how SwiftSoup can be used for web scraping:


Before using SwiftSoup, it needs to be added to your Swift project. If you are using CocoaPods, you can add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftSoup'

Alternatively, if you're using Swift Package Manager, you can add it as a dependency in your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/scinfu/SwiftSoup.git", from: "2.3.2")


Once SwiftSoup is added to your project, you can use it to scrape content from the web. Here's an example of how to use SwiftSoup to parse HTML and extract data.

import SwiftSoup

let html = "<html><head><title>First parse</title></head>"
    + "<body><p>Parsed HTML into a doc.</p></body></html>"
do {
    let doc: Document = try SwiftSoup.parse(html)
    let headline: Element? = try doc.select("head title").first()
    let title = try headline?.text()
    print(title ?? "No title found") // Prints "First parse"
} catch Exception.Error(let type, let message) {
    print("Message: \(message)")
} catch {

In this example, SwiftSoup is used to parse a simple HTML string. It then selects the title element within the head and prints its text content.

Web Scraping Example

Here's a more practical example of web scraping with SwiftSoup, where we fetch HTML from a webpage and extract specific information. Assume that you have network code in place to download the HTML content.

import SwiftSoup

// Function to fetch HTML content from a URL
func fetchHTML(from url: String) -> String? {
    // Network code to fetch HTML data
    // This is a placeholder function

// Function to scrape data using SwiftSoup
func scrapeWebsiteData(html: String) {
    do {
        let doc: Document = try SwiftSoup.parse(html)
        let links: Elements = try doc.select("a[href]")

        for link in links.array() {
            let linkHref: String = try link.attr("href")
            let linkText: String = try link.text()
            print("\(linkText) -> \(linkHref)")
    } catch Exception.Error(let type, let message) {
        print("Message: \(message)")
    } catch {
        print("An error occurred")

if let html = fetchHTML(from: "http://example.com") {
    scrapeWebsiteData(html: html)

In this example, the fetchHTML function is a placeholder for your network code to download HTML content. The scrapeWebsiteData function takes the HTML string, parses it with SwiftSoup, and then selects all the anchor tags with href attributes. It iterates over these anchor elements, extracting the text and the hyperlink reference (href), and prints them out.

SwiftSoup provides a powerful yet simple API for web scraping tasks in Swift. It is particularly useful for developers working on iOS and macOS applications that involve HTML content manipulation and data extraction. Remember to always respect the robots.txt file of websites and their terms of service when scraping data to avoid legal issues.

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