How do I form a valid query using SwiftSoup's selector syntax?

SwiftSoup is a pure Swift library that allows you to parse, traverse, and manipulate HTML on iOS. It is inspired by the popular Java library Jsoup. To form a valid query using SwiftSoup's selector syntax, you need to understand the CSS selector concept, as SwiftSoup's selector syntax is very similar to CSS selectors.

Here's a quick rundown of the selector syntax in SwiftSoup:

  1. Selecting by Tag: To select elements by their tag name, you simply use the tag name as the selector.
   let paragraphs = try"p")
  1. Selecting by ID: To select an element by its ID, prefix the ID with #.
   let header = try"#header")
  1. Selecting by Class: To select elements by their class, prefix the class name with ..
   let alerts = try".alert")
  1. Attribute Selectors: You can select elements with a specific attribute or attribute value.
    • Attribute presence: [href] selects all elements with an href attribute.
    • Attribute equals: [type="text"] selects all elements with a type of "text".
   let links = try"a[href]")
   let textFields = try"input[type=text]")
  1. Combining Selectors: You can combine selectors to refine your selection.
    • Descendant selector: "div.content p" selects paragraphs within a div with a class of "content".
    • Child selector: "ul > li" selects only the immediate list items of ul, not nested list items.
    • Adjacent sibling selector: "h1 + p" selects a paragraph directly following an h1.
   let contentParagraphs = try"div.content p")
   let topLevelListItems = try"ul > li")
   let paragraphAfterHeader = try"h1 + p")
  1. Pseudo-selectors: Pseudo-selectors like :first-child, :last-child, :nth-child(n), etc., can also be used.
   let firstChild = try"div.content p:first-child")

Here's a complete example in Swift using SwiftSoup, demonstrating how to parse an HTML string and select elements using different selectors:

import SwiftSoup

let html = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample Page</title>
<div id="header">
    <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
<div class="content">
    <p>This is a paragraph in the content div.</p>
    <p class="highlight">This is a highlighted paragraph in the content div.</p>
<a href="">Visit</a>
    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2</li>
    <li>Item 3</li>

do {
    let document: Document = try SwiftSoup.parse(html)

    // Example selectors
    let header = try"#header").first()
    let contentDivs = try"div.content")
    let highlightedParagraphs = try"p.highlight")
    let links = try"a[href]")
    let firstListItem = try"ul > li:first-child").first()

    // Use the selected elements...
} catch Exception.Error(let type, let message) {
} catch {

When using SwiftSoup, always wrap your code in a do-catch block since the parsing and selecting methods can throw exceptions that need to be handled. The example above demonstrates how to use different types of selectors to extract elements from the parsed HTML document.

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