Symfony Panther is a browser testing and web scraping library for PHP that leverages the WebDriver protocol. It allows you to control browsers, crawl websites, and extract data from web pages. When it comes to saving scraped data into a database, you generally follow these steps:
- Scrape the data using Symfony Panther.
- Process the scraped data (if necessary).
- Persist the data to a database using an ORM like Doctrine or any other database abstraction layer.
Let's go through each step with an example.
Step 1: Scrape Data Using Symfony Panther
First, ensure that you have Symfony Panther installed in your Symfony project. If not, you can install it via Composer:
composer require symfony/panther
Here's a basic example of how to scrape data using Symfony Panther:
use Symfony\Component\Panther\PantherTestCase;
class DataScraper extends PantherTestCase
public function scrapeWebsite()
$client = static::createPantherClient();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '');
// Find elements and extract data
$data = [];
$crawler->filter('.some-css-selector')->each(function ($node) use (&$data) {
$data[] = [
'title' => $node->filter('.title')->text(),
'link' => $node->filter('a')->attr('href'),
// ... more fields
return $data;
Step 2: Process the Scraped Data
Before saving the data, you might need to clean or transform it. This step is highly dependent on what your scraped data looks like and what your database schema expects.
// Example of processing data
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$data[$key]['link'] = '' . $value['link'];
// ... other processing
Step 3: Persist the Data to a Database
Assuming you have a Doctrine entity set up and a corresponding table in your database, you would persist the data like this:
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
class DataScraperService
private $entityManager;
private $scraper;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, DataScraper $scraper)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
$this->scraper = $scraper;
public function scrapeAndSave()
$data = $this->scraper->scrapeWebsite();
foreach ($data as $item) {
$entity = new YourEntity();
// ... set other fields
In the above example, YourEntity
would be a Doctrine entity that represents the table where you want to save your data. The EntityManager
is used to persist the entity instances and flush them to the database.
Remember to handle exceptions and edge cases, such as duplicate entries or data validation errors. Symfony's form component can be helpful for data validation, even in a non-form context.
Lastly, ensure that you respect the terms of use and robots.txt of the websites you are scraping, and consider the legal and ethical implications of web scraping.