How can I avoid being blocked by Trustpilot while scraping?

Scraping websites like Trustpilot can be challenging because they have systems in place to detect and block automated scraping activities. While web scraping can be legal if done respecting the terms of service of the website and copyright laws, it's important to be aware that many sites, including Trustpilot, often have strict terms that prohibit scraping.

If you do choose to scrape Trustpilot for data, here are some general tips that might help you avoid being blocked, but remember to always comply with the legal requirements and the site's terms of use:

  1. Respect robots.txt: Always check the robots.txt file for the website (e.g., to see which paths are disallowed for web crawlers. Abiding by the rules set in this file is the first step in ethical scraping.

  2. User-Agent: Use a legitimate user-agent string in your requests to simulate a real web browser. Some sites block requests with non-standard user-agents.

  3. Request Throttling: Space out your requests to avoid sending too many requests in a short period. Sites often monitor the frequency of requests and may block IPs that exhibit bot-like behavior.

  4. Use Proxies: Rotate between different IP addresses using proxy servers. This can help spread out the requests and reduce the likelihood of a single IP being banned.

  5. Headers and Cookies: Mimic a real user session by using appropriate HTTP headers and managing cookies. Some websites track user sessions and might block requests that do not appear to maintain a consistent session.

  6. JavaScript Rendering: Some data may be loaded dynamically with JavaScript. Use tools like Selenium, Puppeteer, or a headless browser to render JavaScript content.

  7. CAPTCHA Handling: If you encounter CAPTCHAs, you'll need to either use CAPTCHA solving services or avoid triggering them by reducing your scraping activity's footprint.

  8. Be Ethical: Only scrape publicly available information, and do not attempt to access or scrape personal data. Always consider the impact of your scraping on the website's servers.

Here's a simple Python example using requests and beautifulsoup4 that demonstrates some of these principles (assuming it's legal and compliant with Trustpilot's terms):

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from time import sleep
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
import random

# Use fake_useragent library to create a User-Agent
ua = UserAgent()

headers = {
    'User-Agent': ua.random

# Function to scrape a page of Trustpilot reviews
def scrape_trustpilot_page(url):
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
        response.raise_for_status()  # Raise an error if status code is not 200
        soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
        # Add logic here to parse the Trustpilot review content
        # ...
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
        print(f"HTTP error: {err}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

# URL to scrape (update with a specific Trustpilot page)
url = ''

# Scrape the page

# Wait a random time before the next request to simulate human behavior
sleep(random.uniform(1, 5))

Note: The above code is for educational purposes only. Before running any scraping script, make sure you have permission to scrape the website and that you are not violating any laws or terms of service.

Lastly, always consider using official APIs if available, as they are the most legitimate way to access data from a website. In the case of Trustpilot, they do offer an API, and going through the proper channels to request access to this API is the best way to interact with their platform programmatically.

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