How do I encode query parameters with urllib3?

In Python, urllib3 is a powerful HTTP client for making requests to web servers. When you need to encode query parameters for a URL, you can use the urlencode function from Python's built-in urllib.parse module. This function is used to encode query strings so that they can be safely included in a URL.

Here's how you can encode query parameters with urllib.parse.urlencode before using them with urllib3:

import urllib3
from urllib.parse import urlencode

# Initialize an HTTP connection pool manager
http = urllib3.PoolManager()

# Define your query parameters as a dictionary
query_params = {
    'search': 'web scraping',
    'page': 1,
    'lang': 'en'

# Use urlencode to encode the parameters
encoded_params = urlencode(query_params)

# Append the encoded parameters to your base URL
url = f'{encoded_params}'

# Make a GET request with the encoded URL
response = http.request('GET', url)

# Do something with the response

In the example above, the urlencode function takes a dictionary of query parameters and returns a URL-encoded string that can be appended to the base URL.

Keep in mind that urllib3 does not provide a function for URL encoding directly, so you should use the standard library's urllib.parse module for this purpose.

Also note that urllib3 will automatically encode the URL when you pass parameters via the fields argument in a GET request:

import urllib3

# Initialize an HTTP connection pool manager
http = urllib3.PoolManager()

# Define your query parameters as a dictionary
query_params = {
    'search': 'web scraping',
    'page': 1,
    'lang': 'en'

# Make a GET request with the query parameters
response = http.request(

# Do something with the response

In the second example, the fields argument is used to pass the dictionary of query parameters directly to the request method. urllib3 takes care of encoding the parameters and appending them to the URL for you.

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