Is it possible to set custom HTTP methods with urllib3?

Yes, it is possible to set custom HTTP methods with urllib3. The urllib3 library is a powerful, user-friendly HTTP client for Python that provides many features for working with HTTP requests. While it has built-in methods for common HTTP actions such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc., you can also perform requests with custom HTTP methods by using the request method directly.

Here's an example of how you could use a custom HTTP method, such as "PURGE" or "REPORT", with urllib3:

import urllib3

# Create a PoolManager instance
http = urllib3.PoolManager()

# Define your custom HTTP method and the URL you want to request
custom_method = 'PURGE'
url = ''

# Make the request with the custom HTTP method
response = http.request(custom_method, url)

# Print the status code and response data
print(f'Status code: {response.status}')
print(f'Response body: {"utf-8")}')

In this example, urllib3.PoolManager() is used to handle connections and http.request() is the method that allows you to specify any HTTP method as a string. The response object will contain the result of your HTTP request, and you can access properties like status for the status code or data for the response body.

Please note that when using custom or non-standard HTTP methods, you should ensure that the target server supports and understands the method you are using. Not all servers are configured to handle custom methods, and some might respond with a 405 Method Not Allowed status code if they do not recognize the method.

Remember that making web requests also requires proper handling of exceptions and errors. When using urllib3, you should be aware of exceptions like MaxRetryError or TimeoutError and handle them appropriately in your code.

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