How do I store the scraped data using WebMagic?

WebMagic is an open-source web scraping framework written in Java. It provides a simple yet powerful way to design and implement web crawlers. When using WebMagic to scrape data, you typically follow these steps:

  1. Define a PageProcessor to extract data from web pages.
  2. Optionally define a Pipeline to process the extracted data.
  3. Create a Spider to crawl the web with the defined PageProcessor and Pipeline.

To store the scraped data, you can either use one of the built-in Pipeline implementations provided by WebMagic or create a custom Pipeline. WebMagic comes with several Pipelines for storing data, such as ConsolePipeline, FilePipeline, and JsonFilePipeline.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to store scraped data using WebMagic's JsonFilePipeline:

Step 1: Define a PageProcessor

You need to implement the PageProcessor interface to extract the data you're interested in.

import us.codecraft.webmagic.Page;
import us.codecraft.webmagic.Site;
import us.codecraft.webmagic.processor.PageProcessor;

public class MyPageProcessor implements PageProcessor {

    private Site site =;

    public void process(Page page) {
        // Extract data from the page and add it to the page result items
        page.putField("title", page.getHtml().xpath("//title/text()").toString());
        // You can extract more fields as needed

    public Site getSite() {
        return site;

Step 2: Define a Pipeline (Optional)

If you're happy with the built-in JsonFilePipeline, you can skip this step. However, if you want to customize how data is stored, you can implement your own Pipeline.

import us.codecraft.webmagic.ResultItems;
import us.codecraft.webmagic.Task;
import us.codecraft.webmagic.pipeline.Pipeline;

public class MyCustomPipeline implements Pipeline {

    public void process(ResultItems resultItems, Task task) {
        // Custom logic to store the scraped data
        // For example, you could insert the data into a database

Step 3: Create a Spider and Run It

Now you can create a Spider instance, configure it with your PageProcessor, and optionally, the Pipeline.

import us.codecraft.webmagic.Spider;
import us.codecraft.webmagic.pipeline.JsonFilePipeline;

public class WebMagicApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create a Spider with your PageProcessor
        Spider.create(new MyPageProcessor())
            .addUrl("") // Starting URL
            .addPipeline(new JsonFilePipeline("path_to_output_directory")) // Store data as JSON
            // You can also use your custom pipeline if you created one
            //.addPipeline(new MyCustomPipeline())
            .thread(5) // Number of concurrent threads
            .run(); // Start the crawler

In the above example, we use the JsonFilePipeline to store the results as JSON files in the specified directory. The JsonFilePipeline will create one file per scraped page.


By following these steps, you create a complete web scraping solution with WebMagic that extracts and stores data. If you have more specific needs for storage, such as storing in a database or sending the data to a web service, you would need to implement a custom Pipeline and write the corresponding logic for data storage.

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