What are the core components of the WebMagic framework?

WebMagic is an open-source Java framework designed for web scraping, providing a simple and flexible way to extract data from the web. It is built upon some of the well-known components of the Java ecosystem and has its own core components that make it work effectively for crawling and scraping tasks. The core components of the WebMagic framework are:

  1. Spider: The Spider is the core component that starts the process of web scraping. It manages the lifecycle of the whole scraping process, including making HTTP requests, receiving responses, extracting data, and storing it. It also controls the crawling logic, such as which URLs to crawl, how often to crawl them, and how to handle retries and backoffs.

  2. Downloader: This component is responsible for downloading web pages and handling the interactions with web servers. It encapsulates the details of HTTP requests and responses. By default, WebMagic uses the Apache HttpClient for this purpose, but it can be customized to use other libraries like OkHttp.

  3. PageProcessor: The PageProcessor is where you define the logic for extracting data from the web pages. It processes the raw content downloaded by the Downloader and extracts useful information based on the defined rules or selectors. This component is also in charge of discovering new URLs to crawl by examining the links present in the current page.

  4. Scheduler: The Scheduler is responsible for managing the URLs that need to be crawled. It schedules the requests and decides the order in which URLs are visited. There are different implementations of Scheduler, like the basic QueueScheduler, which simply queues URLs in memory, and more advanced ones that can persist the queue to disk or a database for large-scale crawls.

  5. Pipeline: After the PageProcessor has extracted the data, it is sent to the Pipeline for processing. The Pipeline component is in charge of persisting the data to storage, such as a database or a file. WebMagic provides several built-in Pipeline implementations, and you can also create custom pipelines to meet your specific storage needs.

  6. Site: The Site component holds the configuration details for the crawl, such as user-agent strings, cookies, proxy settings, retry policies, and character encoding. It represents the configuration for a specific website or a set of websites that you are scraping.

  7. Selector: Selectors are used to extract content from web pages. WebMagic provides a variety of selectors, such as XPath, CSS, and regex, which can be used to select specific elements or data within the downloaded HTML content.

Here's a simple example of how these components might be used together in a WebMagic project:

import us.codecraft.webmagic.Page;
import us.codecraft.webmagic.Site;
import us.codecraft.webmagic.Spider;
import us.codecraft.webmagic.processor.PageProcessor;
import us.codecraft.webmagic.scheduler.QueueScheduler;

public class MyPageProcessor implements PageProcessor {

    private Site site = Site.me().setRetryTimes(3).setSleepTime(1000);

    public void process(Page page) {
        // Define the logic for extracting data here
        page.putField("title", page.getHtml().xpath("//title/text()").toString());
        // Add URLs to crawl

    public Site getSite() {
        return site;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Spider.create(new MyPageProcessor())
            .addUrl("http://example.com") // Starting URL
            .setScheduler(new QueueScheduler()) // Use in-memory queue by default
            .thread(5) // Number of threads

In this code, MyPageProcessor is a custom implementation of the PageProcessor interface, which extracts the title of a page and looks for links matching a specific pattern to crawl further. The Spider is configured with the starting URL and uses an in-memory queue scheduler by default. The number of concurrent threads for processing is set to 5, and the crawling process is initiated with .run().

WebMagic offers a fluent interface for setting up and running web scraping tasks, and its modular design makes it easy to customize each component to fit a wide range of scraping scenarios.

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