How to handle Unicode characters in XPath while web scraping?

Handling Unicode characters in XPath expressions is typically straightforward because XPath is designed to support Unicode natively. However, when you're scraping web pages with specific Unicode characters in the XPath, you might need to ensure that your scripts and tools correctly handle these characters.

Here are some tips and examples on how to handle Unicode characters in XPath while web scraping in Python with libraries like lxml or BeautifulSoup with lxml as the parser.

Python with lxml

When using Python with the lxml library, ensure that your script is using Unicode strings (which is the default string type in Python 3). If you're using Python 2, you should use the u prefix to denote Unicode strings.

from lxml import etree

# Parse the HTML content
html_content = '''
    <div>Some content with a unicode character: ☃</div>
parser = etree.HTMLParser()
tree = etree.fromstring(html_content, parser)

# XPath with a Unicode character
xpath_expression = u"//div[contains(text(), '☃')]"

# Find the element(s)
results = tree.xpath(xpath_expression)

for result in results:

Python with BeautifulSoup

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Parse the HTML content
html_content = '''
    <div>Some content with a unicode character: ☃</div>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'lxml')

# XPath-like search with a Unicode character using CSS Selectors
unicode_char = '☃'
elements ='div:contains("{}")'.format(unicode_char))

for element in elements:

Note that BeautifulSoup doesn't support XPath natively, so you would typically use CSS selectors or its own search methods. If you need to use XPath with BeautifulSoup, you would need to use an additional library like beautifulsoup4 with soupsieve.


Make sure that your script file is saved with UTF-8 encoding if it contains Unicode characters. Also, ensure that the terminal or environment where the script is running supports UTF-8 encoding to correctly display the Unicode characters.

Web Page Encoding

It’s important to make sure that the web page you are scraping is correctly interpreted as UTF-8. If the web page uses a different encoding, you may need to decode it first before parsing.

import requests
from lxml import etree

response = requests.get('')
encoding = response.encoding if 'charset' in response.headers.get('content-type', '').lower() else None

html_content = response.content.decode(encoding, 'replace') if encoding else response.text

# ... parse and use XPath as shown in the previous examples

Remember, when working with web scraping, always respect the terms of service of the website you are scraping from, and be mindful of the legal implications.

For websites with dynamic content loaded by JavaScript, you might need to use tools that can execute JavaScript, such as Selenium or Puppeteer, to get the fully rendered HTML before applying XPath.

JavaScript (Node.js with Puppeteer)

Here's an example of handling Unicode in XPath with Puppeteer for Node.js:

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async () => {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto('');

    // XPath with a Unicode character
    const xpathExpression = "//*[contains(text(), '☃')]";

    // Evaluate the XPath expression
    const elements = await page.$x(xpathExpression);

    for (let element of elements) {
        const text = await page.evaluate(el => el.textContent, element);

    await browser.close();

In this JavaScript example, Puppeteer handles the Unicode characters in XPath expressions without any extra effort, as long as the JavaScript source code is saved in UTF-8 encoding.

Handling Unicode characters in XPath should be manageable by ensuring proper encoding settings and using native support in the libraries and languages you are working with.

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