What are some strategies to mimic human behavior when scraping Zoominfo?

When web scraping services like Zoominfo, it's important to be aware that such platforms often have strict terms of service that prohibit automated access or scraping. Always make sure to review and adhere to the terms of service of any website before attempting to scrape it. Assuming that you are allowed to scrape the website, here are some strategies to mimic human behavior and avoid detection:

  1. User-Agent Rotation: Rotate user-agents to mimic different devices and browsers. This can prevent your scraper from being identified by a single user-agent string.
import requests
from fake_useragent import UserAgent

user_agent = UserAgent()
headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent.random}

response = requests.get('https://www.zoominfo.com', headers=headers)
  1. Request Throttling: Space out your requests to avoid unnatural patterns of behavior. Real users do not send requests to a server every second, so you should implement delays.
import time

# Example of a simple delay between requests
time.sleep(5)  # Pause for 5 seconds
  1. Rotate IPs: Use a pool of proxy servers to rotate IP addresses. This helps to prevent a single IP from being flagged for unusual activity.
import requests

proxies = {
    'http': '',
    'https': '',

response = requests.get('https://www.zoominfo.com', proxies=proxies)
  1. Referrer Spoofing: Include a referrer header in your requests to make it seem as though your requests are coming from legitimate pages within the site.
headers = {
    'Referer': 'https://www.zoominfo.com/previous-page',
    'User-Agent': user_agent.random
  1. Cookie Handling: Maintain cookies across sessions as a normal web browser would do, which can make your scraping activity less suspicious.
session = requests.Session()
response = session.get('https://www.zoominfo.com')
  1. CAPTCHA Handling: Some websites have CAPTCHAs to prevent automated access. You might have to use CAPTCHA solving services or manually solve them if encountered.

  2. Click Simulation: If you're using a browser automation tool like Selenium, you can simulate mouse movements and clicks to more closely mimic human behavior.

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
import time

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

element_to_click = driver.find_element_by_id('some_id')

  1. Headless Browser Detection: Some sites can detect headless browsers like Puppeteer or Selenium running in headless mode. Use them in non-headless mode or apply techniques to avoid detection.

  2. JavaScript Execution: Make sure to execute JavaScript, which is often essential to render modern web pages properly. This can be done with tools like Selenium or Puppeteer.

  3. Session Length: Don't scrape endlessly. Limit the session length and number of pages you scrape in one go. Real users don't browse thousands of pages in a single session.

  4. Avoid Scraping during Maintenance: Respect the site's maintenance times or high-traffic periods. Scraping during low-traffic hours is less likely to stand out.

Remember, even when allowed, web scraping should be done responsibly to not overload the website's servers. Always follow the site's robots.txt file guidelines and consider reaching out for API access if available for large-scale data extraction needs.

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WebScraping.AI provides rotating proxies, Chromium rendering and built-in HTML parser for web scraping