How do I manage sessions and state persistence between requests in HTTParty?

HTTParty is a popular Ruby gem used for making HTTP requests. In a stateless protocol like HTTP, managing sessions and state persistence between requests can be essential for tasks like web scraping, API interaction, or any scenario where you need to maintain a logged-in state or persist cookies across multiple requests.

When using HTTParty, you can manage sessions and state persistence by leveraging the built-in support for cookies and by configuring your HTTParty client to reuse the same options across requests. Here is how you can do it:

Using HTTParty's Cookie Support

HTTParty automatically manages cookies for you. When you make a request to a server that sets a cookie, HTTParty will remember it and send it along with the next request to the same domain. Here is an example:

require 'httparty'

# Make an initial request that sets a cookie
response = HTTParty.get('')

# HTTParty now stores the cookie
# The following request will send the cookie back to the server
response = HTTParty.get('')

puts response.body

Maintaining a Persistent Session

To maintain a persistent session across multiple requests, you can create an instance of a class that includes the HTTParty module and then reuse this instance for all your requests. This way, the cookies and other options are preserved:

require 'httparty'

class MyClient
  include HTTParty
  base_uri ''

client =

# Log in (the server should set a session cookie here)'/login', body: { username: 'user', password: 'pass' })

# Now you can make other requests which will maintain the session
dashboard_response = client.get('/dashboard')
puts dashboard_response.body

Advanced State Persistence

If you need more control over the cookies or if you need to persist state across different runs of your script (where an instance variable would not be enough), you can manually manage the cookies:

require 'httparty'
require 'json'

# Create a cookie hash
cookies = {}

# Make a login request and capture the Set-Cookie header
response ='', body: { username: 'user', password: 'pass' })
set_cookie_header = response.headers['Set-Cookie']

# Parse the Set-Cookie header and store the cookie in your hash
set_cookie_header.split('; ').each do |cookie|
  key, value = cookie.split('=')
  cookies[key] = value

# Manually set the cookie header for subsequent requests
response = HTTParty.get('', headers: { 'Cookie' => { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('; ') })

puts response.body

Persisting Cookies Between Script Runs

If you need to persist cookies between runs of your script, you would need to serialize the cookie hash to a file or a database and then deserialize it when the script runs again.

require 'httparty'
require 'json'

# Load cookies from a file
if File.exist?('cookies.json')
  cookies = JSON.parse('cookies.json'))
  cookies = {}

# Make your requests with the loaded cookies
response = HTTParty.get('', headers: { 'Cookie' => { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('; ') })

# Save the updated cookies back to the file
new_cookies = response.request.options[:headers]['Cookie']
if new_cookies
  File.write('cookies.json', JSON.dump(new_cookies))

puts response.body

Remember that managing cookies and sessions is subject to the terms of service of the website you are interacting with. Always ensure you have permission to scrape or automate interactions with the site, and respect any rate limits or usage policies they have in place.

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