Is it possible to make asynchronous requests with HTTParty?

No, HTTParty does not support asynchronous requests out of the box. HTTParty is a Ruby library designed to make HTTP requests simpler and more readable. It does so by providing a clean interface for making standard synchronous HTTP requests. When you make a request using HTTParty, the call is blocking, which means it will wait for the response before moving on to the next line of code.

If you need to make asynchronous HTTP requests in Ruby, you might want to use other libraries such as Typhoeus, HTTPClient, or Faraday with an asynchronous adapter.

Here's a simple example of how you might use Typhoeus, which supports asynchronous requests via hydra:

require 'typhoeus'

# Create a request object
request =
  method: :get

# Set up the on_complete callback
request.on_complete do |response|
  if response.success?
    # Handle successful response
    puts "Success: #{response.body}"
  elsif response.timed_out?
    # Handle timeout scenario
    puts "Got a time out"
  elsif response.code == 0
    # Could not get an HTTP response, something's wrong
    puts "Could not get an HTTP response: #{response.return_message}"
    # Received a non-successful HTTP response
    puts "HTTP request failed: #{response.code.to_s}"

# Create a hydra instance
hydra = Typhoeus::Hydra.hydra

# Queue the request

# This will run the queued requests

If you're working in a Ruby on Rails environment and you want asynchronous behavior, you might also consider using Active Job with a library like Sidekiq or Delayed Job to handle HTTP requests in the background.

For a more event-driven approach, you might explore using EventMachine with em-http-request for asynchronous HTTP requests.

Remember, when using asynchronous requests, you have to handle concurrency issues and ensure that your code is thread-safe. This is especially important in a multi-threaded environment like Ruby on Rails.

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