Do I need permission to scrape data from Idealista?

Idealista is a real estate website that provides listings for various properties. When considering scraping data from a website like Idealista, it's crucial to understand the legal and ethical considerations involved.

Legal Considerations

Websites typically have a Terms of Service (ToS) or Acceptable Use Policy that outlines what users can and cannot do with the information provided on the site. Scraping data in violation of these terms could lead to legal consequences, including but not limited to, being banned from the site, facing lawsuits, or incurring fines.

To determine if you need permission to scrape data from Idealista:

  1. Review the Terms of Service: Check Idealista’s ToS to see if they explicitly allow or prohibit scraping. Many websites explicitly forbid scraping in their ToS.
  2. Check for a robots.txt file: Websites use the robots.txt file to communicate with web crawlers and tell them what parts of the site should not be processed or presented to users. Access this file by appending /robots.txt to the website's base URL (e.g.,

The contents of the robots.txt file will provide you with directives that should guide your scraping activities. For example:

   User-agent: *
   Disallow: /en/

This would indicate that any scraper (User-agent: *) should not scrape the contents of the /en/ directory.

  1. APIs: Check if Idealista provides an official API for accessing their data, which would be a legal way to obtain the data you need. Using an API usually comes with an agreement that specifies how you can use the data.

Ethical Considerations

Even if Idealista’s ToS do not explicitly forbid scraping, it’s important to scrape responsibly to avoid causing harm to the website. Here are some best practices:

  • Rate Limiting: Make requests at a reasonable pace to avoid overloading Idealista's servers.
  • Data Usage: Be transparent about how you use the scraped data and respect users' privacy.
  • Caching: Cache responses when possible to reduce the number of requests needed.

Technical Considerations

If you determine that you can legally scrape data from Idealista and decide to proceed, keep in mind that:

  • Anti-scraping Technologies: Websites may implement CAPTCHA, JavaScript rendering, or other mechanisms to prevent scraping. These can make scraping more challenging.
  • Dynamic Content: Websites with dynamic content loaded with JavaScript might require tools like Selenium or Puppeteer to scrape effectively.


Before scraping Idealista, or any website:

  1. Review the ToS and the robots.txt file.
  2. Look for an official API.
  3. Consider the legal, ethical, and technical implications of your actions.

If Idealista's ToS prohibit scraping or you're uncertain about the legality, it would be best to contact Idealista directly to ask for permission or to clarify their policy on scraping. Legal advice from a professional might also be necessary to ensure that you're not violating any laws or regulations.

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