Is there an API provided by Idealista for data extraction?

As of my last update in early 2023, Idealista, which is a popular real estate platform in Spain, Italy, and Portugal, does not publicly advertise a general-purpose API for data extraction that is available to the public or developers for scraping real estate listings.

In the past, Idealista has offered a specific API aimed at professional users, such as real estate agencies, which is designed for posting and managing listings rather than scraping or extracting large amounts of data. Access to such an API typically requires a partnership or a professional account with Idealista, and it comes with its own set of rules and limitations defined by Idealista's terms of service.

For individual developers or companies interested in accessing Idealista's data, the appropriate course of action would be to contact Idealista directly to inquire about any potential data-sharing agreements, API access, or partnerships that may be available, respecting their terms of service and data usage policies.

If Idealista does provide API access through a partnership, you would use the API by making HTTP requests to their endpoints, often authenticating with an API key or OAuth tokens. The specifics of how to use such an API would be detailed in the API documentation provided by Idealista upon gaining access.

Since web scraping can be a legally sensitive and ethically controversial topic, especially when scraping a website that does not provide explicit permission or an API for such actions, it's important to proceed with caution and respect the terms of use set forth by the website.

If you are considering web scraping as an alternative to using an API, you should:

  1. Review the website's robots.txt file to understand the scraping rules set by the website.
  2. Check the website's terms of service to make sure you are not violating any terms.
  3. Ensure that your scraping activities do not overload the website's servers.

Here is a hypothetical example of how to access a REST API using Python's requests library, assuming you have been granted access by Idealista and provided with an API key:

import requests

# Set up the endpoint and parameters for the API request
api_key = 'your_api_key_here'
endpoint = ''
params = {
    'param1': 'value1',
    'param2': 'value2',
    # Add other parameters as required by the API

headers = {
    'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}'

# Make the GET request to the Idealista API
response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers, params=params)

# Check if the request was successful
if response.status_code == 200:
    data = response.json()
    # Process the data as needed
    print(f'Failed to retrieve data: {response.status_code}')

And here’s how you might do it in JavaScript using Node.js with the axios library:

const axios = require('axios');

// Set up the API key and endpoint
const api_key = 'your_api_key_here';
const endpoint = '';
const params = {
    param1: 'value1',
    param2: 'value2',
    // Add other parameters as required by the API

// Set up the headers
const headers = {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${api_key}`

// Make the GET request to the Idealista API
axios.get(endpoint, { headers, params })
    .then(response => {
        // Process the data
        const data =;
    .catch(error => {
        // Handle any errors
        console.error(`Failed to retrieve data: ${error}`);

If you do not have access to an official API and still need to extract data, you would need to look into web scraping libraries such as BeautifulSoup for Python or Puppeteer for JavaScript. However, you should do this only if it's legally permissible and in compliance with Idealista's policies.

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