Can I manipulate the HTML DOM with jsoup?

No, jsoup is a Java library designed primarily for parsing, traversing, and extracting data from HTML documents. It does not provide the ability to manipulate the HTML DOM in the same way that JavaScript can in a web browser environment. jsoup is used for server-side processing of HTML documents, where it can parse and extract elements, attributes, and text, but it does not have the ability to interact with a live web page's DOM or respond to user events.

However, jsoup does allow you to manipulate the HTML document that you have parsed with its API. This means you can change element attributes, text content, and structure of the parsed HTML tree, but these changes are only reflected in the jsoup document object, not on any live web page.

Here is a simple example of how you can use jsoup in Java to parse an HTML string, manipulate the content, and then output the modified HTML:

import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;

public class JsoupExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String html = "<html><head><title>Sample Title</title></head>"
                    + "<body><p id='p1'>Original Paragraph.</p></body></html>";
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);

        // Access the paragraph element by its ID
        Element p = doc.getElementById("p1");

        // Change the text content of the paragraph
        p.text("Modified Paragraph Text.");

        // Add a new class to the paragraph

        // Print the modified HTML

In this example, we use jsoup to parse an HTML string, select a paragraph element by its ID, change its text content, add a new class to it, and then output the modified HTML. The changes are made to the Document object doc, which represents the parsed HTML.

If you want to manipulate the HTML DOM on the client side (in a web browser), you would typically use JavaScript along with the DOM API provided by the browser. Here is an example of how you can achieve similar manipulation using JavaScript:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
    // Access the paragraph element by its ID
    var p = document.getElementById("p1");

    // Change the text content of the paragraph
    p.textContent = "Modified Paragraph Text.";

    // Add a new class to the paragraph

In this JavaScript snippet, we wait for the DOM to be fully loaded, then we find a paragraph element by its ID, change its text content, and add a new class to it. The changes made with JavaScript will be reflected in the live DOM of the page in the browser.

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